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Cohorts of five or fewer first-time parents-to-be and parents-to-maybe will meet together online once a month for six months, from November through April. 

People of all genders and agender individuals are welcome in this class, as are all identities and approaches to conception, pregnancy, adoption, and birth. Willingness to talk about your ethical reasoning, needs and preferences is the only prerequisite.


The second weekend of January will be an in-person retreat in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, co-led by an experienced “movement mom.” This is required.

This is not a couples’ class, although couples may sign up for separate cohorts. Since fighting patriarchy is part of healthy parenting, building queer/chosen family, and dealing with your family of origin, male-identified participants or partners/co-parents may choose to meet with a cisgender “movement dad” who teaches patriarchy awareness (PBOP).

This course requires one hour per week of online reading and email discussion, in addition to the two-hour monthly class session, which will be scheduled based on participants’ availability.


The fee for the course and retreat (travel to California not included) is $290, which will be used entirely to compensate guest speakers and purchase any materials for distribution. Scholarships and installments are available.



Duration: Six months

Monthly meeting: TBD

Deadline: October 15th

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