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Please email chelseavalerie<at>gmail<dot>com to receive the following essays:

“What’s So Great About Being a Virgin?” and “Psssst… You’re Pregnant” from Showing Mary: How Women Can Share Prayers, Wisdom, and the Blessings of God by Renita J. Weems. (This excerpt is 12 pages.)


Renita J. Weems is a womanist theologian, Old Testament scholar and teacher, ordained minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and popular spiritual writer. Many of her books are written for a specific audience out of her experience as a straight African-American woman. So:


  1. If this is not your community, how do you feel about engaging works that weren’t written specifically for you? If this is your community, please answer this question while thinking about another author on the syllabus whom you might not identify with.

  2. What did you like best and least about these chapters?

  3. Tell me about yourself.

  4. Why do you want to take this class?

Deadline is October 15, 2017.


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