Meet on Zoom Sunday January 31, 12-12:30 (note later time)
Before class, please draw your picture in your "God Loves Me" Mirror. Instructions are here. If you did not already receive craft supplies from Becky, we can provide an alternative after class. We will "show and tell" these at the beginning of class!
Cut out the mirror (Becky drew an outline)
Cut out the aluminum foil, representing a mirror (Becky drew an outline), and glue it onto the center of the mirror
Write in large print around the foil: “God Loves Me”
Place red heart stickers around to decorate, and feel free to color the mirror too
Draw a self-portrait, the size of the foil and paste it onto the foil
Here is the Zoom link for class:
Meeting ID: 858 3157 9014
Class 3 - Jan 31, 2021 12:00 PM
Valentine's Day - Feb 14, 2021 11:30 AM
On Feb. 14, we will be making a Valentine craft while together on Zoom. Here are the instructions in case you want to familiarize yourself beforehand:
We look forward to seeing you soon!