Spring 2023

Advent 2022

Fall 2022
September 18 - Homecoming Sunday
October 2 - Youth Halloween Outing to Salt Lake Cemetery
October 5 - Faith Formation Team meeting
October 16 - Tabling after worship for Faith Formation volunteer opportunities
October 20 at 7 PM - Operation Sandwich
October 21 at 7 PM - Progressive Youth Groups Halloween Party at First UU
October 28-30 - La Foret fall camp, Halloween party during Sunday School
November 9 at 5 PM - Monthly Faith Formation team meeting
November 13 - Preschool Sunday (no Sunday school)
November 13 - 11:30 am - Youth service project - Make fruit skewers for Holladay Interfaith Service
Saturday November 19 - Fall outdoor cleanup 9-12; Plant wildflower seeds
Sunday November 20 - Noon - Youth fall fundraiser at Ruby’s house
Sunday November 27 - Thanksgiving craft during Sunday School

Summer 2022

Spring 2022
Sunday School (grades PK-6)
Hybrid Sunday School is both online and in-person every Sunday at 10 a.m. Come to worship in the sanctuary, or sign in to Zoom to watch worship and talk with friends. The Zoom link will be posted on the blog.
Lenten soup suppers, prayer and small group sharing for all ages - every Wednesday night at 6 p.m. in McMullen Hall.
March 27, 10:00 a.m. - One Great Hour of Sharing offering begins
April 6, 6:00 p.m. - Last soup supper
April 10, 10 a.m. - Palm Sunday worship with palm parade (arrive by 9:50 to get palms)
April 17, 11:00 a.m. - Egg Hunt (after Easter worship)
April 24, 10:00 a.m. - Plant veggie garden for Earth Day
Youth Group (grades 6-12)
Our focus this spring is service to animals. Youth are invited to join monthly projects to serve together, build community and have fun!
January 22, 12 p.m. - Ice Skating at Gallivan Center
February 6, 5:30 p.m. - Confirmation Orientation on Zoom
​February 12, 10 a.m. - Helping Birds and Wildlife - Trail cleanup with Hogle Zoo's Jordan River Conservation and Restoration Program, at the Jordan River Parkway
March 12, 4:30 p.m. - Online cooking class on Zoom, for youth and older members; make muffins before St. Patrick's Day. RSVP to Pastor Chelsea for the ingredient list.
April 16, 4:30 p.m. - Youth service project and 6:00 p.m. Easter Bonfire
May 15, 10 a.m. - Confirmation Sunday
May 21, 5 p.m. - Crane Festival Youth Fundraiser Dinner
May 22, 10 a.m. - New Member Sunday
Summer Mission Trip to Best Friends Animal Society in Kanab, UT - June 10-12
Our Whole Lives sexuality education (OWL) has begun for grades 5-6 and 10-12, Sundays at 12:30 p.m. at South Valley Unitarian Universalist.
Click here to download our Spring Calendar.
Advent 2021
Click here to download December calendar.
Fall 2021
All children, youth, and families are welcome to join us for a fall series on Hopeful Practices: Nurturing Resilient Families, based on the book The Hopeful Family.
All Grades and Generations: Outdoor Service Projects
Grades 0-2 & 3-5: Outdoor Sunday School (has moved indoors)
Grades 0-5 & Parents: Family Zoom on Wednesdays
(Please email associatepastor@holladayucc.org to receive Zoom link)
Grades 6-8 & 9-12: Wednesday Youth Group (has been postponed)
Click here to download the fall calendar.
Spring 2021
We are finishing out our year of “Love in Action” strong! All children are welcome to join us for a Lenten series on Loving Your Neighbor and an Eastertide series on Loving Your God. The Spring Unit will end on Sunday, May 16th with an end-of-school-year celebration in worship.
Please sign up for ALL lines that suit your family’s ages and interests. Groups will meet every other week; time/date are indicated below. Meetings are to be held on Zoom unless otherwise indicated. (As spring continues, Covid numbers may enable a move into Mac Hall, or weather may allow us to move outdoors.) Youth group themes and projects will be determined with the youth.
The Signup Genius link is posted here. Deadlines for signup are February 16th for pre-Easter activities, or March 29th for later activities. Please sign up as far into the future as you are ready to commit. Thank you for journeying with us, and congratulations on making it through a difficult year!
All Grades
Palm Sunday Worship: Palms for Kids (Mar. 28 @10)
Easter Resurrection Pageant (Apr. 4 @1)
All Ages Cooking Show (Apr. 24 @5:30 - Online)
Intergenerational Church Cleanup (May 30 @11:30 - Parking Lot)
Grades 0-2 Sunday School
Lenten Sunday School: Love Neighbor (Feb. 21, Mar. 7, Mar. 21 @11:30)
Eastertide Sunday School: Love God (Apr. 11, Apr. 25, May 9 @11:30)
Grades 3-5 Sunday School
Lenten Sunday School: Love Neighbor (Feb. 28, Mar. 14, Mar. 28 @11:30)
Eastertide Sunday School: Love God (Apr. 18, May 2, May 16 @11:30)
Grades 6-12 Saturday Youth Group
Spring Youth Group (Feb. 27, Mar. 13, Mar. 27 @5:30)
Spring Youth Group Continued (Apr. 10, Apr. 24, May 8 @5:30)
Earth Day Service Project (Apr. 10 @5:30 - Outdoors)
Earth Day Youth Worship (Apr. 18 @10 - Online)
Year-End Worship and Graduation (May 16 @10)
The Signup Genius link is posted here. Deadlines for signup are February 16th for pre-Easter activities, or March 29th for later activities.
Winter 2020-21
Did you know Advent is the start of the new year in the church? Faith Formation's Winter Unit covers our church’s “season of rebirth” (Christmas through New Year’s and Jesus’s baptism in January) and features four consecutive series for each age group, running from Advent to Valentine’s Day. All classes will take place either online or in-person in a COVID-safe manner.
Sign up for as many series as you can mark on your calendar! Sunday School meets some Sunday mornings at 11:30, and Youth Group meets some Saturday afternoons at 5:30; see below for the meeting dates.
The Walking Pageant will be a fun outdoor gathering in the HUCC parking lot on Sunday, December 20 after worship. Congregation members will be invited to park their cars and hear children’s Christmas performances through their open windows.
The 9-Day Winter Break Spiritual Retreat for Resilient Kids will be led by Pastor Chelsea using a forthcoming book from UCC Rev. Amelia Richardson Dress. Each day of this virtual retreat will feature a short morning video from Rev. Amelia teaching a spiritual practice proven by research to help children with anxiety, and a short evening Zoom check-in with Pastor Chelsea to reflect on trying the practice at home.
January classes will focus on Loving Ourselves as God Loves Us, with Scripture about feeling worthy of love for the kids, and a Self-Compassion workbook for the youth. We will end before Lent with service and celebration on Valentine’s Day, as we prepare to “love our neighbor AS OUR SELF.”
The Signup Genius link is posted here. Signups are due the weekend after Thanksgiving, by November 29.
Sunday School: Grades Nursery-2nd with Parents
Walking Pageant: Sundays Dec 13 (Zoom) & Dec 20 (Outdoors)
9-Day Winter Break Spiritual Retreat for Resilient Kids: Dec 26-Jan 3 (Zoom)
Worthy of Love: Sundays Jan 3, 17 & 31 (Zoom)
Free Child Care Sunday Feb 14 (Outdoors)
Sunday School: Grades 3rd-6th with Parents
Walking Pageant: Sundays Dec 6 (Zoom) & Dec 20 (Outdoors)
9-Day Winter Break Spiritual Retreat for Resilient Kids: Dec 26-Jan 3 (Zoom)
Worthy of Love: Sundays Jan 10, Jan 24 & Feb 7 (Mac Hall)
Service Project Package Sunday Feb 14 (Mail)
Youth Group: Grades 6th-12th
Walking Pageant: Saturday Dec 5 (Zoom), Saturday Dec 12 (Zoom), Sunday Dec 20 (Outdoors)
9-Day Winter Break Spiritual Retreat for Resilient Kids: Dec 26-Jan 3 (Zoom)
Self-Compassion Workbook: Saturdays Jan 16 (Mac Hall), Jan 23 (Zoom), Jan 30 (Mac Hall) & Feb 6 (Zoom)
Valentine’s Day Service Project: Saturday Feb 13 (Mac Hall)
Fall 2020 Catalogue
Dear Parents,
This fall at church will be the Season of Stewardship, where kids will be learning how to LOVE our earth family....that includes the environment, our pets, all animals, and all our family members at home!
Our goal is to support you. This difficult autumn, give your kids the gift of opportunities to learn values and become more loving. Bless your family with love from a community of other families.
Please sign up for all pathways that work for you. All gatherings will be Covid safe, taking place either outdoors or online.
Sign-ups are due by Wednesday September 9th, so that we have time to mail home all the fun supplies you will need!
We also strongly encourage you to sign up for a 30-minute “come and see” session with our teachers, on Wednesday September 2nd at 7 p.m.
Grades nursery-2nd: Fun, body-based spiritual activities after online worship, for 30 minutes every other Sunday. (Dates 9/20, 10/4, 10/18, 11/1, 11/15)
These sessions are HANDS-ON for parents. Please sign up for ALL five sessions:
Sunday September 20 - 11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Sunday October 4 - 11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Sunday October 18 - 11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Sunday November 1 - 11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Sunday November 15 - 12:30 p.m. - 1 p.m. and 1:15 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. - In Person
Absences are allowed, and activities will be archived for you online.
Grades 3-6: Storytelling and interactive games after online worship, for 1 hour every other Sunday. (Dates 9/27, 10/11, 10/25, 11/8, 11/22)
These sessions are HANDS-ON for parents. Please sign up for all five sessions:
Sunday September 27 - 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Sunday October 11 - 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Sunday November 1 - 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Sunday November 8 - 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Sunday November 22 - 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Absences are allowed, and activities will be archived for you online.
Middle school and high school youth (grades 6-12): Have fun and explore antiracism and social justice. (Dates 9/19, 10/3, 10/17, 10/31, 11/14)
These sessions are EYES-ON for parents; please plan to remain nearby during the hour. Please sign up for all five sessions:
Saturday September 19 - 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. in church courtyard
Saturday October 3 - 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. in church courtyard
Saturday October 17 - 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. on Zoom
Saturday October 31 (Halloween service project) - 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Sunday November 1 - Leaf raking service project
Saturday November 14 - 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. on Zoom
Absences are allowed, and activities will be archived for you online.
Grades 7-11: Similar to Our Whole Lives, MOOSE is Modified Online/Outdoor Sexuality Education, every other Saturday at 5 p.m. (Dates 9/26, 10/10, 10/24, 11/7, 11/21)
These sessions are EYES-OFF for parents; no participation from you is needed, other than attending the first session for parent orientation. Please sign up for all five sessions:
Saturday September 26 - 5 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Saturday October 10 - 5 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Saturday October 24 - 5 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Saturday November 7 - 5 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Saturday November 21 - 5 p.m. - 6 p.m.
No absences will be allowed, and class materials will not be archived online.
The signup form can be found here. Please sign up by September 9th.
We look forward to a great fall season of LOVE IN ACTION!​