Meet on Zoom Sunday February 14, 11:30-12 (note regular time)
We will be making a valentine to mail to an elder who is important to your child. Before class, please gather your Valentine's Day craft supplies which Becky sent you a few weeks ago. Below are the instructions, which we will do together during class. An instructional video is above, in case you want to familiarize yourself beforehand.
Fold the first piece of construction paper in half (so now it is 8 ½ x 5 ½ inches).
Place the child's hand on the paper (fingers pointing upward with the thumb touching the fold). Trace the child's hand and wrist/lower arm with a pencil.
Cut out the tracing and include 2 layers of paper as you cut. It will form a heart when unfolded.
Fold the second piece of paper will form the card. (8 ½ x 5 ½ inches)
Paste the cut out of the unfolded hands onto the inside of the folded second piece of construction paper, so the heart shape is on the fold when opened.
Help the child write “ I “ at the top, the Heart is in the middle, and Grandma (or whoever) is written at the bottom of the page.
Paste doilies on the outside of the card. Place stickers over the card as desired.
Here is the Zoom link for class:
Valentine's Day - Feb 14, 2021 11:30 AM
Meeting ID: 858 3157 9014
Our Scripture story for Valentine's Day is about Jesus making friends with a person who was a Money Grabber. Are you friendly to people who are unpopular?
