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Why Share the Table?

Writer's picture: Chelsea PageChelsea Page

Catching an appetite for spiritual practice

“For Christians, these meals [church potlucks and fellowship meals] are intertwined with our sacramental act of communion, or Eucharist, in which we celebrate the risen Christ. While there is some variance in the theological understanding of what happens in the sacrament, Christians agree that Christ is made known to us in a unique way in the sharing of the bread and the cup. Because of this, our understanding of God is inseparable from the ordinary act of eating. While this meal stands apart as a sacred meal, it also reminds us that every meal has the potential to connect us more deeply to the God we see revealed in Jesus.” - From The Hopeful Family: Raising Resilient Children in Uncertain Times by Amelia Richardson Dress

“I think any steps we take toward reclaiming our connection with food is worth it. This is particularly true for people of faith. The small shifts we make toward appreciating our food, whether by adding a family blessing at meal times or putting some herbs in a sunny window, are also spiritual acts. They emphasize the beauty and fragility of our earth and of our own bodies. They help us experience and live into the story of a world that is created by God and treasured by humans, rather than a story of a world that is there for our domination or control.”

- From The Hopeful Family: Raising Resilient Children in Uncertain Times by Amelia Richardson Dress

Zoom link for Wednesday night discussions at 5:30 p.m:

Meeting ID: 843 3769 2066

Zoom link for Sunday School online:

Meeting ID: 823 0434 8356

Contact Pastor Chelsea:

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