A mini-manifesto from Pastor Chelsea
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." At HUCC we hear something different in that, than what many other churches hear. You may know that some Christian churches say they are "the one true faith." We don't believe that; in fact, in confirmation class, we will be exploring world religions in addition to Christianity. So why do we call the confirmation journey "The Way," then?
Well, did you know that the early followers of Jesus called themselves "the People of the Way"? Your confirmation journey is a chance to explore what you believe about God, but it's also about following Jesus as a "way of life," rather than just a belief system. In this class, we will focus on what it means to follow Jesus, by living out his teachings of understanding and helping others.
If following Jesus takes a lifetime, the spiritual journey lasts a lifetime. So confirmation is just one more step on a journey you are already on. Christians believe that this journey begins with baptism, which is a symbol of God’s unconditional love for each person from the beginning of their earthside journey. Most of you were baptized as young children; if you have not yet been baptized, in this class you will learn what it means, and have the opportunity to choose to do so.
When you are confirmed this May, you will be strengthened to continue your journey with assurance of God’s love and your church’s support. After confirmation, some youth choose to continue their journey as official voting members of our congregation. Others decide to explore joining another faith tradition.
Joining the church is not meant to change your beliefs, but to invite you to merge your journey with the church’s journey. You were already moving toward God, but now you’re invited to continue more intentionally with other people. Our church is on a journey toward wholeness, safety for all within the community, and finding God together through love and acceptance. We invite you to help us.
Whether or not you choose to join, wherever you are on your journey, you will remain a vital part of our community as people of the Way.
With credit to Rev. Tracy Barnowe of Unstoppable Outreach