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Writer's pictureChelsea Page

Prodigal Son Lesson and Final Class Zoom Link

Updated: Nov 20, 2020

Our final Fall class will be online, November 22 at 11:30 a.m. Please join us!

For our final class, we will discuss whether there are any limits to God's forgiveness. What about us - can we also forgive people who do bad things? The folk tale The Old Man and the Tree will explore this question for a fictional community that really messes things up.

Here is the Family Tree worksheet for students to do before class.

If you missed our previous class on the Prodigal Son, you can catch up here with three easy steps:



  • What lesson did the first son learn when he left, took all of his inheritance and spent it?

    • What do you think about how the older son reacted?

    • Was what the father did “fair”?

    • What did both sons learn when the first son returned?

    • This is a Parable. . . . a story that has another meaning; Who are we in the story?

    • Who is the father?


Look up how to say the following words in American Sign Language: beautiful, love, Mother, Father, Neighbor, world. Make up a prayer to God using these words.

Here is the Zoom link for Sunday's class:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 7128 7444


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