We are so excited for our first gathering this Saturday!

This Saturday, September 19th from 5 to 6 p.m, Kate and Kyla will be welcoming 13 youth group members from middle school and high school back to church!
Pastor Chelsea will be on site to hang out with parents around the corner, while the youth gather in the back courtyard by the parking lot. Our first gathering will feature games and lots of getting to know you.
Please bring masks, lawn chairs, and water bottles. Mask wearing and 6-foot social distancing will be required. Please stay home if anyone in your house has any symptoms of illness!
Our theme this fall is social justice, and we will be using activities from a workbook called This Book is Antiracist. No need to order the book....just keep your eyes on your postal mail next week!
Our next gathering dates will be every other Saturday afternoon - on 10/3, 10/17, Halloween, and 11/14. Please let Pastor Chelsea know if there any dates you won't be able to make!
Looking forward to a fall of Love in Action.