Easter Pageant Returns to Parking LotChelsea PageApr 3, 2021Watch HUCC kids retell the resurrection story!Easter worship is at this link and will include communion:https://youtu.be/ZmEeIK-XqM0 The children's pageant will be live-streamed at 12:30 at this link:https://youtu.be/io890URKHCw Both services can be viewed at any time. Yay, Christ is Risen!
Watch HUCC kids retell the resurrection story!Easter worship is at this link and will include communion:https://youtu.be/ZmEeIK-XqM0 The children's pageant will be live-streamed at 12:30 at this link:https://youtu.be/io890URKHCw Both services can be viewed at any time. Yay, Christ is Risen!