Please bring one object that symbolizes something you value in life/something that is important to you, or an object that says something significant about who you are. Also please bring a few pieces of white paper to draw on, and markers.

February 6, 2022, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
First hour:
Opening reflection from Pastor Chelsea (5 min)
Guided meditation (hand prayer) (5 min)
Introductions with objects (10 min)
Overview of course schedule (5 min)
Orientation - Where do you stand? (Today)
Heretics R Us (March 13, 5:30-7:30 at HUCC - McMullen Hall) - Discover how heretics through the ages have shaped our faith, speaking truth to power, and exploring Jesus as a heretic. Exploration of the Evolution of the Christian Church including the Nicene Creed, Lord’s Prayer, Church Calendar, the construct of the Bible, and who were these Apostles?
Visit a Non Christian Service e.g. Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, or Jewish
Reflecting on Baptism (March 20) - What does God’s unconditional love mean? What is “confirmation” anyway?
Visit a Christian Church Sunday Service - To be selected by youth
Faith in Action for Me and for Others (April 3) - What pain is there in the world today? What Pain do I feel? How can I be present for others? (Note: Mentors will join this day, and we will talk about areas of HUCC service)
God is Still Speaking: Being in the UCC (April 24) - Faith is continually evolving. Having a voice in my denomination. How is the UCC is structured. We are all ministers and disciples. How do I fit it in my Utah community?
Let’s Serve our Community - Event with Volunteers of America, Operation Sandwich, etc.
This is my Religion, What is Yours? (May 1) - What do all religions seek and why? Compare and contrast different world faiths. Youth will make presentations about values they admire in another tradition, and their own ongoing faith journey. What do I believe, what do I question, how do I fit into a community, what do I need from my community? (Note: Mentors to attend).
Makeup Session (as needed) - May 7
Confirmation Sunday (May 15, tentative) - Let me tell you about by faith journey - Celebration of the youth with the whole congregation for taking this faith exploration class, sharing their view of community and faith, what they need from and can offer to the HUCC community.
Discuss with mentors: (10 min)
--What faith were you born into, if any?
--How long have you been part of HUCC?
--What other faiths are you interested in exploring this spring? (Brainstorm a few Christian denominations and non-Christian religions that are present locally)
HUCC Values (10 min)
We recognize God in the life and teaching of Jesus, in concert with an appreciation for the diverse religious traditions of our world.
Christianity is a faith of extravagant grace, radical inclusion and relentless compassion
All members of the congregation as ministers.
We value the freedom to question and to be spiritually curious.
Everything is connected. We are part of the whole. We recognize our mutual accountability with all of creation.
We cherish authenticity and genuine relationships.
Our hands and voices are God’s tools to create a more just society.
Cultivating a life of compassion that honors vulnerability and offers healing presence
Draw a blank "first place" ribbon or trophy on your paper
Discuss with mentors: (10 min)
--See if you can agree on: which value on the list is the most important to the two of you right now?
--To begin narrowing down the list, start by crossing off values that you don't resonate with or understand.
--With the remaining values, choose a first place and an honorable mention.
--You may have to write your own value for first place.
--Why do you resonate with this value?
Report Back (5 min)
Second hour:
Suitcase demonstration (10 min)
Draw a blank, empty suitcase on another piece of paper.
Discuss with mentors: (10 min)
--When you were a teenager, what kinds of things did people tell you were important to get through life?
--Draw some of the items that were put in your suitcase, and share who you think put them there. (Values can be given by people, institutions, or experiences - church, school, family, media, literature, etc)
--Are there any values you have taken out?
--Are there any values you decided to keep?
Report backs (10 min)
--How does faith show up in the community of Utah? --When you're a religious person in Utah, who do you have to be? --How can you be who you want to be at church?
What is a "covenant"? (5 min)
Discuss with mentors: (10 min)
--What suggestions do you have for an effective class covenant?
--What is the best way for you to contact each other?
Create class covenant (10 min)
Closing meditation (repeat hand prayer) (5 min)
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Meeting ID: 856 6210 6566
Passcode: 752112