"Less is More" Family Devotional

In case no one else thought to mention it, it is perfectly acceptable to cap off a long tiring year with a low-key holiday. As a friend used to say, if she got to the end of the day and the kids had had a bath and something to eat, she was doing just fine. As we enter the holidays, breathe in the marvelous fact that you have survived two years of a global pandemic. Thank God that you persist, to be a light in the midst of so much suffering.
We have mailed a devotional for lighting an Advent wreath home to each child. Please let us know if you don't receive one and would like one. The theme of the devotional is "Less is More." Get your digital copy below along with the companion poster.
This is just an offering for your family to use at home on your own time, if it serves. This season, celebrate that you are enough. Whether or not you can come to church this month and join us for Christmas Eve, God is with you and you are loved. We look forward to the dawning of a better year.
Love, The Faith Formation Team

Zoom link for Sunday School online
December 5 and 19 at Noon
Meeting ID: 823 0434 8356
Contact Pastor Chelsea: associatepastor@holladayucc.org
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